Product Description

Genuine Mercruiser New OEM Gearcase Bearing Carrier O-Ring 25-815460. This is a factory original equipment accessory, not aftermarket. Manufacturer Part # 25-815460.
- The SKU data provided conflicts with the Amazon catalog. The item_id value(s) provided correspond to the ASIN B0038ZWN3G, but some information contradicts with the Amazon catalog. The following are the attribute value(s) that are conflicting: brand (Merchant: 'Mercury Marine' / Amazon: 'Mercury - Mercruiser'). If your product is this ASIN, then modify your data to reflect the Amazon catalog values. Else, check your value(s) for item_id are correct.
SKU# 25-815460
25 - 60 HP
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California Prop 65 Click here for information
Ship Method **Special Order Item: Item(s) eligible for FREE Ground shipping, with order value over $99. Orders under $99 receive Economy shipping with a $5.99 fee. Faster shipping rates are not available.
Availability Description Item will be ordered direct from the manufacturer and generally ships within 5-10 business days. If ordered with any other item(s), fulfillment will not occur until received.
Available In Stock Quantity 0 Stock On Hand