
Shipping Policy

Standard Shipping Policy

  • Qualified Standard** orders placed before 2:00 P.M. EST, Monday-Friday, ship same-day.
  • Standard** orders of $99.99 or greater value will receive FREE 2-Day Shipping.
  • $5.99 Economy Shipping is available for all qualified Standard** orders under $99. Faster FedEx and USPS shipping options will be available at checkout.
  • Military APO Free Economy. As a thanks to our Armed Forces, we provide FREE Economy shipping to any Military APO delivery address for Standard** orders.

** Excludes orders containing Non-Standard products including and not limited to: Large Product(s), Oversized, Freight, Hazmat, Drop-Ship, Special Order products(s), Back Ordered product(s). See the Non-Standard Shipping Policy for additional information.

Non-Standard Shipping Policy

  • Non-Standard orders placed before 2:00 P.M. EST, Monday-Friday, ship same-day.***
  • Orders containing Large product(s) are not eligible for Economy shipping. Orders of $99.99 or greater value qualify for FREE ground shipping. Faster shipping options will be available at checkout.
  • Orders containing Hazmat product(s) are not eligible for economy shipping. Orders of $99.99 or greater value qualify for FREE ground shipping.
  • Orders containing Oversized product(s) will require a flat $220 shipping fee.
  • Orders which contain Freight product(s) requiring palatalization, require a flat $420 shipping fee.
    • Our freight shipping option is available to Contiguous U.S. Non-PO Box delivery addresses only.
  • Orders with a PO Box delivery address are eligible for $5.99 economy shipping or Priority Mail options at check out.
  • Orders with an Alaska or Hawaii delivery address will have a $24.94 economy shipping, FedEx Ground, 2nd Day, or Overnight options at checkout.
  • Special Order and Back Order: Please Click Here to see more information.
  • International Shipping: Please Click Here for additional information.

*** Excludes orders containing products including and not limited to: Freight, Drop-Ship, Special Order products(s), Back Ordered product(s).

Local In Store Pickup Options

We offer our Local customers the option to choose to pick up at either Leaders RPM locations. In-stock items placed online before 12:00 PM on Weekdays can be picked up same day from selected location at 4:00 PM, or item may be picked up the following day during business hours. The Local In Store Pickup Option is FREE for all Standard or Non Standard product(s).

  • Kalamazoo Location: 8500 West Main St. Kalamazoo, MI 49009
    • Business Hours: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday-Friday, and 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM Saturday.
  • Schoolcraft Location: 12033 US-131, Schoolcraft, MI 49087
    • Business Hours are: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday-Friday.